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Book Boyfriend by Claire Kingsley

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Review Date: 05/05/2019

This story-line is beautiful and it was slightly difficult to get around at first. It was a little weird trying to picture the story in my mind, but I got there after the 3rd chapter. Mia and Alex/Lexi have a complicated relationship. Those that have read the book will know that for sure. Complicated, frustrating, loving and a lot more. Mia is a fan of Lexi Logan, Lexi Logan is Alex Lawson. It is complicated at moments, but worth it.

The way their feelings started, was fast but steady, it was adorable. The way that after a date, a power cut in Mia's apartment building was what topped it off for Alex. Alex invites Mia around for the night, they both are wanting each other, Alex wants to be a gentleman due to lying about his pen name as the two of them are online friends. A book reviewer and an author. Alex accidentally upsets Mia, she runs into the guest room, can't sleep and boom amazing descriptions!

The secret eats at Alex, you can feel the frustration in yourself for Alex. You feel how annoyed, confused and more than Alex is going through. You feel like you're apart of the story, which is amazing. When Alex tells Mia, wasn't the way he planned, but really? Does anything we plan work as planned? The feelings they go in that heated discussion, argument, causes Mia to flee from Alex's apartment and not talk to him for days. Blame her? Not me.

Alex writes Mia, and Mia alone a book in HIS name about their story. From the very beginning to their present, where Alex writes his thoughts. The book broke Mia, in a way that it made her give up avoiding him. Hell, if my boyfriend wrote me a book after a story like there's, I'd be there at his house wanting more of explanation. Which she got.

Overall, I loved the book from beginning to the end. I love how the feelings are described, the passion and basically everything. I felt all of it throughout the whole story.

I would recommend it to anyone who loves this genre. 

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